Radar Image of Ultimate
Chase's Location During The Derecho |
Extreme Downburst Photos: |
Picture Above: Estimated Wind Gust Over 100 MPH + |
Stock Video and Photos Copyright © Ultimate Chase
Video Services |
Downburst Chase Account: |
Account: What an amazing day! I
pulled over to a gas station to get my truck under the
awning to get some shots out of the rain because I knew
there were some strong winds and heavy rain coming, but I
did not expect to see winds over 100 mph ! The first wind
gust and probably the strongest wind gust caught me off
guard and the camera wasn't even out of the bag yet. The
winds went from a steady 10-15mph out of the north to a
quick 20 second blast of around 110mph. The sound was
unreal! I heard allot of loud explosions and glass breaking
with an occasional popping noise from transformers exploding
and lots of visible power flashes. I watched the dairy queen
sign explode into a million pieces and almost hit someone
walking nearby! Then, the winds went back down to 30-40mph
range. Now the camera is out when another gust came and more
explosions were heard, but I didn't film any of that because
I was looking for a place to take shelter if the awning over
head came crashing down as it was really wobbling back and
forth, then the wind let up again. The third strong blast
lasted around 30 seconds and that's when the roof was peeled
back as you see in the pictures above. Just to my left there
was an alley with a huge heavy duty dumpster rolling end
over end towards me. I backed up and just then is when the
roof went flying. Once the roof came crashing down the wind
stopped and it was all over instantly. The winds died down
to around 25mph and all I could hear was crackling from live
power lines. This was truly an awesome example of mother
nature's wrath !
Watch this video
on the Ultimate Chase YouTube Channel. (www.YouTube.com/UltimateChase) |
Photographer, |
Website copyright notice below: |
Downburst stock video &
photos are copyrighted & protected under United States & International
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laws. These video stills may not be reproduced in
any form, downloaded, stored, or manipulated |
without prior permission from © Ultimate Chase, Inc. |