Ultimate Chase's location
during Hurricane Irene: North Coast of Paradise Island /
Nassau, Bahamas |
Barometric Pressure Data from
Paradise Island / Nassau, Bahamas |
lowest barometric pressure recorded during Hurricane
Irene was 982mb during Irene's closest approach ! |
Stock Photos from
Paradise Island / Nassau, Bahamas |
Hurricane Irene
makes her presence felt as Hurricane force winds whip
through the Bahamian island ! |
Mike Theiss
doing a live video report during Hurricane Irene's closest
approach to Nassau, Bahamas. |
The tropical
palm trees are blowing in the wind at Nassau Bahamas. |
All the gear is
out on the best to dry after a long Hurricane chase. |
Amazing sunset
when Hurricane Irene's outer bands approach the island. |
Amazing sunset
after Hurricane Irene passes by the island |
Amazing sunset
after Hurricane Irene passes by the island |
Hurricane Irene Chase Account: |
Chase Account:
Hurricane Irene was a tough decision and very
stressful in the early stages of my planning but ended up to
be one of the most comfortable chases ever... I knew I
wanted to see Irene in the Bahamas but also wanted to
document such a potential historic event in the New York area. I
really don't like chasing Hurricanes that go higher in
latitude than Florida because normally the quality of the
Hurricane is less and to me experiencing a Hurricane in the
tropics is the best way to see a Hurricane. Hurricane Irene
was forecast to strengthen over the Bahamas islands and I
knew I wanted to be there, But WHERE ?? There are so many
islands associated with the Bahamas and to know exactly
which island would get the eyewall is almost impossible to
know 2 days before it makes landfall but you have to fly
there 2 days before to ensure your flight is not cancelled
because of the local airport being closed. In the end Nassau
Bahamas was on the west side of the eye so I was not in the
maximum wind she had to offer but still documented stronger
winds than anyone in the Northeast experienced.
My Fiancée
joined me on her first Hurricane chase and did a wonderful
job. Its funny how I told her how tough it is to chase
Hurricanes and you could be days without power and warm
food, etc... We stayed at the Atlantis resort on Paradise
Island and had a fantastic time. The employees of Atlantis
we very organized and handled the situation perfect, In fact
for 2 days straight we had free meals and free mini bar.
They had a back up plan if Irene strengthened and made a
direct hit on us to take shelter in the conference room
which would protect us in any strength Hurricane. In the end
we did not have to relocate there and was allowed to stay in
our rooms in comfort. We NEVER lost power but did lose
internet. We had warm showers and food the entire time and I
was only wet for about 1 hour of the entire chase. This
NEVER happens.....Normally I am wet for hours or days and
sleep in my car and might not shower for many days. This was
a luxury chase but a success. I was featured on ABC
Nightline, ABC Good morning America, ABC nightly news and
The Weather Channel. My fiancée Andrea did a superb job of
filming me in the Hurricane so I could give a "Live" report
during the height of the Hurricane.
During the
height the building was shaking and the
toilet water was sloshing around until all of a sudden the
toilet was was sucked dry and all the water was GONE !!! The windows were
flexing and the wind was singing. I am happy to report very
minor damage to the island. The only damage I saw was some
large trees down and some light damage to fences and signs.
As far as I know there were no deaths on Nassau and this
just proves that Islanders are used to Hurricane and know
the dangers and can take care of themselves.
I want to
Thank Andrea for doing such a great job filming and Wunderground for featuring my blogs so I could give updates
to their readers. Ok, back to standby mode until the next
the Hurricane Irene video at this link:
Click here to watch video |
Photographer, |
Website copyright notice below: |
Hurricane Irene video stills are copyrighted and
protected under United States and International copyright |
laws. These video stills may not be reproduced in
any form, downloaded, stored, or manipulated |
without prior permission from © Ultimate Chase, Inc. |