Ultimate Chase's Location During Hurricane Igor - The
Tiny Island of Bermuda |
Hurricane Igor Infrared
Satellite Image Near Peak Strength |
Satellite when Hurricane Igor was near the peak
strength of Category 4 and very near a Category 5 |
Barometer Graph From Hurricane
Igor: |
Hurricane Igor Stock
Photos: |
Crashing waves
running up on Elbow Beach in Bermuda - Stock Photo |
Crashing waves
running up on Elbow Beach in Bermuda - Stock Photo |
Crashing waves
hitting seawalls in Bermuda - Stock Photo |
Man windsurfing
off Elbow Beach in Bermuda - Stock Photo |
Man windsurfing
off Elbow Beach in Bermuda - Stock Photo |
People watching
approaching outer bands from Hurricane Igor at Elbow Beach
in Bermuda |
People taking
photos of approaching outer bands from Hurricane Igor at
Elbow Beach in Bermuda |
Jim Cantore
reports from Elbow Beach in Bermuda - Stock Photo |
Major Beach
Erosion at Elbow Beach in Bermuda - Stock Photo |
Major Beach
Erosion at Elbow Beach in Bermuda - Stock Photo |
Major Beach
Erosion at Elbow Beach in Bermuda - Stock Photo |
Major Beach
Erosion at Elbow Beach in Bermuda - Stock Photo |
Hurricane Igor Chase Account
Below: |
I studied Hurricane Igor for over a week
and noticed the forecast tracks were bringing it
really close to Bermuda. Going to Bermuda is a
big gamble because the odds of the eyewall going
over the island are really low. Bermuda is just a
spec on the map when looking at the giant Atlantic
Ocean. I had to go days early before the flights
stopped running and decided I might as well go as
early as possible to get photos of the beautiful
pink beaches and other sites. I rented a scooter for
the first 2 days I was there and drove from the
eastern end near St. Georges all the way to the
western end approximately 22 miles each way. It was
difficult driving on the left
hand side of the road but with time it came
naturally. On the island of Bermuda there are NO
RENTAL CARS period !! The only way to get around is
a scooter or a cab. I knew this chase my
locations would be limited so I decided to stay right
on the beach and document the monster waves and
onshore wind. I teamed up with Jim Cantore, Austin
Anderson and The Weather Channel Crew to document
the worst effects Igor had to throw at us.... |
It was
amazing how days before Igor's first outer bands
affected us the waves were already increasing and 18 hours before landfall
Igor was
starting to cause some disruptions. Near Johns Smith's
Bay the road had to be closed because the waves were
throwing rocks and other debris and this was only
going to get worse. I spent the entire 2 days before
landfall shooting B-Roll video for TWC. On Sunday
the winds started to increase and the
waves were crashing on the beach and running up and
splashing everything. I was getting great shots and
documenting the event when my brand new camera
decided to make my worst nightmare come true. My
camera just died !! Apparently the super high RH
values (Relative Humidity) of 95% caused my camera
to simply not work. After about 5 panic attacks and
a damn near breakdown my good friend Austin let me
use his backup HD camera and I was able to keep
shooting. The camera was just a basic flip cam and
enabled me to keep feeding video into TWC while my
cam was drying out. The really high winds (93mph max
recorded) all came in at night and by daybreak
conditions were slowly starting to improve. I always
bring a backup camera but to save money from paying
for extra bags on the flight I elected to bring just
my one camera. This camera was supposedly made for
tough conditions and weather proof,
etc.....Hurricane Igor was the 24th hurricane I've
documented and the first time I lost a camera
before the peak. |
the night hours the winds were relentless and the
waves were huge ! Mr. Cantore reported "Live' during
most of the peak and in between shots we would take
shelter inside our media room right on the beach.
While taking a 15 minute break a wave crashed next to our
building and threw a giant piece of stairs fully
intact from the beach and crashed it right where we
were reporting. We were inside Igor's eastern eyewall
for a good amount of time and the lowest pressure I
recorded was 964mb. The next morning we could see
the damage done to the beach and the biggest story
was the beach erosion. The island did not sustain much
wind damage but the beaches took a hit. Overall
visiting Bermuda was amazing and I can now check it
off my list of places to visit.... |
Special Thank You to "Austin from Austin" Anderson
for lending me his HD camera in a time of need.... |
again it was an honor to work with Mr. Cantore and
the folks at The Weather Channel. |
By the
way, It's True !! The beaches in Bermuda are PINK !!! A
photographer's heaven ! |
the Hurricane Igor video at this link:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vLuBk5wANhU |
Photographer, |
Website copyright notice below: |
Hurricane Igor Video, DVD, and stock photos are
copyrighted & protected under International United States &
copyright laws. |
These video stills
may not be reproduced in any form, downloaded,
stored, or manipulated without permission from
Ultimate Chase, Inc. |